The VALKYRIE A is a surface mount Addressable sounder with low power consumption available in either Red or White housings. Up to 32 individually addressed sounders can be installed per loop occupying address 94 to 125. The address is set using switches 1 to 5 of the 8 way DIL switch. Four different tones are available and selected using DIL switches 6 and 7. The Sound level can be lowered if required by setting DIL switch no. 8 to OFF.
When individual address reporting is not required, VALKYRIE A can be ordered as a Shadow sounder. In this case sounders do not occupy an address in the loop thus freeing up addresses for more detection devices.
Shadow sounders do not report back to the control panel so their presence on the loop is not monitored. Shadow sounders draw current from the loop (4.1mA in alarm) and must be included in loop load calculations.